Keep LJI Safe

Brazosport ISD Standard Response Protocols &
Student Reunification Process During an Emergency

Standard Response Image

During an emergency event at your students’ campus, you need to know BISD takes the safety of your child and our staff seriously. We use the Standard Response Protocols established by to protect your child. These protocols will require the school to follow one or more of the standard response protocols listed in the poster to your left during an emergency.   Standard Response Protocol.PDF

Parent Reunify AreaDuring an emergency, if BISD administration determines that your child needs to be moved to a safer environment other than their assigned campus, they will make arrangements to have your child transported to another predetermined location, called a REUNIFICATION SITE. Once at this reunification site, BISD will use the SchoolMessenger callout system, social media and/or other public address systems to notify parents where the reunification site is located. Parents will be asked to report to the REUNIFICATION SITE to retrieve their child. Parents will be required to bring their identification for verification of their identity before a student will be released to their custody.

Once at the reunification site the parent will present their identification to a school official for verification at the parent check-in area. Once the parent’s identification has been verified, a school official (called a reunifer) will go to the student holding area and retrieve the child. The child will then be escorted to the parent check in area where the parent and child will be reunited. The parent and child will be free to leave once reunified.  Reunification Card.pdf


During and after the emergency event BISD will have trained Emergency Crisis Counselors on site to help parents and students manage the range of emotions they will be experiencing as a result of the emergency. These counselors will come from our Community Mental Health Partners and/or BISD Counseling Staff.

Please know that we take the safety and security of your child very seriously. We have invested numerous staff hours, resources and time to develop a comprehensive plan to ensure the safety of your child. If you have questions and/or need clarification on any point of this plan please contact our Safety/Security and Emergency Management Coordinator at (979)730-7000 extension 28235.

NOTE:  During an emergency situation at your child's school, BISD highly recommends that parents DO NOT self report to the school. The additional car traffic and/or pedestrian traffic around the school caused by anxious parents could jeopardize public safety efforts to respond, contain and stabilize the emergency.
Please monitor all BISD communication methods to notify you of your child's reunification site.

Reunification Parent Brochure

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