National Junior Honor Society

NJHS LogoThe National Junior Honor Society is the nation's premier organization established to recognize outstanding middle-level students. More than just an honor roll, NJHS serves to honor those students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of scholarship, service, leadership, character, and citizenship. These characteristics have been associated with membership in the organization since its beginning in 1929.

Membership in a local chapter of the National Junior Honor Society is an honor bestowed upon a student. Selection for membership is by a faculty council and is based on outstanding SCHOLARSHIP, CHARACTER, LEADERSHIP, SERVICE, AND CITIZENSHIP. Once selected, members have the responsibility to continue to demonstrate these qualities.

LJI NJHS Sponsors:
Nancy Yung
([email protected])
Viviana Reyna ([email protected])
Ashley Kilsby ([email protected])


Maintaining Membership
Members must adhere to the following in order to maintain membership in good standing:
Maintain a cumulative grade average of 92 or above throughout the academic year.
Conduct grades must be an “S” or “E”.
Perform 22 service hours from June through May. Eleven hours MUST be turned in before Christmas holidays.
Continue to exhibit the qualities of excellence which made you eligible for membership in the National Junior Honor Society.

Service and Fundraising Projects
Members participate in one or more service projects which are helpful to ourselves and others such as:
Habitat for Humanity
Penny Drive
Food Drives
Blue Santa

Community Service Opportunities
Members have many opportunities to help within their community, such as:
Church or mission work
Community events
Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts
Volunteer babysitting, Pet sitting, or dog walking
Volunteer yard work

Documentation of Service Hours
Members must have documentation of the service hours completed. Please adhere to the following:
Forms signed by a supervising adult the activity.
NJHS box in the Guidance Office to deposit completed service forms.
Service forms are located in the Guidance Office.
Copies of certificates are also accepted.
NJHS Service Hour Form.PDF

Examples of Past Projects
Assisting teachers to prepare their rooms before the beginning of the school year.
Directing students and parents at the 7th-grade Orientation and again at Open House.
Collecting canned goods for local food pantries.
Participating in the city and county cleanup days.
Collecting money for Walk to Habitat’s Penny Drive and Love for Somalia.
Helping with elementary school festivals.

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