The Purpose of grading in Brazosport ISD is to communicate student progress on mastery of essential outcomes for the year.
For Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, First and Second grades, we use a Skill Book to make the information as specific as possible for students. Instead of sending you one summarized grade for your student, you will receive a rating from 1 through 3 on each skill they are supposed to learn. This way, you will have specific information about your student’s strengths and weaknesses as they are progressing.
Copies of the Skill Books are available here:
Pre-Kindergarten (Coming Soon)
First Grade
Second Grade
Information from these report cards is different from what you may have received when you were a student, and what you may be accustomed to with older students. Here are some helpful documents to help you read and understand your students grades:
Pre-Kindergarten Rubric
Kindergarten Rubric
First Grade Rubric
Second Grade Rubric